Wednesday, April 8, 2015

HHG Testimonials

Testimonials: I'm a stay at home mom and wife. I have beautiful children whom I home-school and a baby who I nurse. For me Finding an honest business that I could do from home was critical when looking for the right opportunity. I have done every type of business opportunity, everything from technology, to health drinks and weight loss. All these resulted in medium success where I was able to create moderate 4 figures a month residual, but never the 5 figures a month and beyond which I dreamed of. I never did feel as if I hit the Jackpot though. Curiously enough I never cared to have a coffee business because the idea just seemed not viable, nor sexy or unique. It was too simple, too plain. Then I learned about Healthy Habits Global. The compensation part appeared very lucrative and the leadership seemed very ethical and professional. I reluctantly tried the products and fell in love with them. That's when it hit me like a ton of rocks! This business is so easy because people just love coffee and this product truly is delicious. I do not have to convince or sell people on the idea to buy from me. I simply let them sample my product and let them decide whether to buy or not. Now I am a proud Healthy Habits Global distributor and I am seeing AMAZING financial results. In my first month I was able to crush out the first rank and get my prosperity commission. Never in my 14 year experience with direct selling and the Networking arena have I seen this much money compared to the amount of work I put in. I'm making money from home, I'm helping people to have a healthier coffee habit and I can do this all from the comfort of my home never leaving my babies aside just to make money. I am grateful to Healthy Habits for giving me this golden opportunity." PROUD HEALTHY HABITS PROMOTER, S. SHAMUS. Finding HHG is like getting into the Super Bowl and winning. After 20 years in network marketing this is the one! What a great opportunity, a professional management team leading us, and a fantastic product that millions of people can relate to and use. Healthy Enriched coffee not only tastes great, it really will improve your health as well. My advice is to get in, and never quit on this one because you can finally reach your dream income here at HHG." R. VIGARD. I started drinking the enriched coffee in June 2013. I have been committed to it every day. I have noticed incredible energy and stamina. My mental focus and clarity has improved as well. I also have been able to sleep through the night, which was very unusual for me. Regular coffee always made my stomach queasy and also made me feel very jittery. Another thing that was very obvious was how fast abrasions and sores were healing. I will never be without my healthy enriched coffee. After researching the product, I can only imagine the benefits internally. Thank You HHG" J. MUSICK. I love Healthy Habits Coffee!! Before Healthy Habits I would consume 32 oz of strong coffee before noon. I've cut my coffee consumption in half now that I'm enjoying Healthy Habits beverages. They leave me feeling satisfied and full of energy without the caffeine jitters. I love the fact that something so good for you can be so enjoyable!" T. ZECHA. I am a busy mom who loves the convenience of the pour and go. My kids love the Chai Tea for a warm drink on the way to school in the morning. Also, I am extremely careful and selective with my caffeine ingestion as I can easily become jittery and uncomfortable. Yet, needing a pick me up in the afternoon to get through the day has been nice with the Healthy Habits Coffee as I have received energetic benefits without any caffeine side effects." KATIE FROM VA. Please go to for more information.

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